Saturday, December 23, 2006


For how long? For how long have u been around?
You were indeed not hiding in the shadows,
why were you then so dim to me?
What sort of magic kept me from seeing,
from seeing beyond the tip of my nose?
Far away or tightly close, spectator or lover,
you have always been around, but
how long ago? How long ago did u become
the ideal blue-eyed prince that rode my dreams?
Time measurements serve me not,
for love is not good with numbers,
and I'm not good with words when I try
to show you what has been hidden,
hidden inside my heart, out of sight.
You were always in my picture, but
most of the time I saw straight through you.
There was always something morbidly shining
beyond your spectrum that caught my naïve attention,
and stole the focus you deserved,
sometimes fairly earned, sometimes not so well.
And we went trough cycles,
and cycles went trough us.
Focuses shifted, hopes wandered.
The momentum came and vanished.
We cried and laughed, but mostly lusted.
Sometimes you were sure you owned me,
sometimes I love you's escaped unexpectedly,
some others they were very conscious.
Perhaps we tried to force the right angle,
perhaps we tried to avoid the risks.
The ocean roared through many nights,
and the moon smiled at many moans,
since pleasure was invoked more than anything.
The perfect lost clue always laid with us in bed.
After nights together, life tried, once again,
to pull us apart, would the joke ever have a final laugh?
The cup slipped from my hands,
the mead was spilled like blood,
and, finally, the glass broke.
Then suddenly my tears tasted like truth,
bitter sweet facts that seemed suddenly obvious.
Light came to be, freezing the moment
when love was all that existed in the universe,
in my universe that speeded in circles,
dizzily fast, it suddenly had an axis.
It only took a random twist of perspective to make me realize,
that my universe had always turned around you.

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